Site News

Oh yeah

8 months ago

I also fixed the images that were being rendered incorrectly. I wasn’t expecting anyone to use them but once I saw that people were, I realized that the system wasn’t built to withstand wild images, so I modified that. Should be better now!

The good news

8 months ago

I’ve gotten a ton of comments and feedback on the site. I haven’t marketed itat all and frankly, haven’t even told anyone that it was online. Regardless, there are a couple-hundred users and I’ve gotten dozens of contact messages that I was not expecting. This is wildly unexpected, but just as much amazing.

Anyway, I promised good news – the good news is that I’m working on the site, and that it isn’t abandonware. I’m looking through the featureset and I’ll be working through them somewhat systematically. This news page now works, and it’s a new feature I build today.

The bad news – “News” is a really dumb feature, and most of you probably won’t even know that it’s been updated. So there will need to be more important features build, which I’ll get to, I promise. The main thing that needs to get done is the core mechanic of the system – I thought originally that I needed one instance of a title, but from the feedback I’m getting, that seems wrong. There’s going to be a major massage coming for titles there that will make it a lot more usable by a lot more people, but without being too messy for the site’s contents.

Anyway, I’ll update more next week, and hopefully have a feature worth writing about.


8 months ago

You’re probably wondering what’s going on here.

That makes sense. You’re smart, and this website… well… we’ll be kind, and suggest that it isn’t smart YET.

It’s a work in progress. It’ll be finished. I promise.

I’ll post something smarter here when the time comes, but there are a few important features that need to be developed before I can say that this is ‘launched.’

For the time being, feel free to register, to use it, and to provide me as much feedback as you’d like to. (Even negative feedback is welcome!)

Otherwise, here are those features I was referring to – I am aiming for them to be finished soon.

  • The ability to follow other users
  • An activity feed that lets you know what is happening
  • Comments / Forums / indieweb-style chats
  • The ability to vote on role images so that highest voted images can ‘win’ a casting A transactional mail server that allows me to email you notifications
  • Social auth
  • Some user/profile features. Specifically, the ability to supply an avatar and bio and stuff.
  • The ability to browse titles / roles more easily
  • An actual news section / blog / something